Okie Pokie Daycare

We are providing faith-based Montessori-inspired childcare in Enid, OK. We will have our morning circle time to learn about the calendar, days of the week, months, colors, shapes, and numbers. We will also learn about the Bible, sing fun songs, and make seasonal crafts. These are just to name a few things that are offered at the Okie Pokie Daycare.

Faith Based

We are little but we are loved. At Okie Pokie Daycare we want to thank God for all that He has blessed us with. We will learn about the Bible on the level of a toddler. Keeping it simple and planting the seeds.

Crafts & Lessons

Here at the Okie Pokie Daycare, we are all about having fun with crafts especially when it comes to the holidays. Themed crafts and lessons are what these Okies are all about.

Home Cooked Meals

Meal Calendar will be posted with meals planned out and prepared. Meals and snacks include breakfast, morning snack, lunch, and afternoon snack. Any allergies will be accommodated when planning meals.

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